Friday, February 10, 2023

ILT group discussion about ChatGPT


On this post you will find interesting information about GhatGPT with different views about it's positive and negative impact on education.

ChatGPT is a large language model developed by OpenAI as a conversational agent. It can perform high-level cognitive tasks and produce text that is identical to human-generated text. In my opinion ChatGPT has both advantages and drawbacks. Firstly, this tool might be useful for students who want to improve their language skills or learn about a particular topic. It also makes learning convenient for those students who may not have access to a tutor or a teacher, by accessing ChatGPT from anywhere with an internet connection. Moreover, ChatGPT may modify the complexity of the discussions or questions based on the student's level of comprehension. This can help to customise and make the learning experience more effective. Finally, it can save students' time by answering questions quickly, allowing them to move on to other tasks faster than usual. However, the study has found that the emergence of technologies like ChatGPT presents a significant threat to the integrity of online exams, particularly in the context of tertiary education where online exams are becoming increasingly common. These models exhibit a high level of critical thinking and may create very realistic writing with little input, allowing students to cheat on tests.

I think that usage of ChatGPT in the classroom setting might be beneficial, if it is used efficiently with the educators' support by customising the learning resources depending on students' levels (especially with the secondary EAL students, who has the limited language abilities). On the other hand, unsupervised utilization of ChatGPT tool amongst students can decrease learners' critical thinking skills, just relying on it instead of spending more time for researching and learning.

 "It is important for educators and institutions to be aware of the potential of this tool to facilitate cheating and to take steps to combat it, in order to maintain the integrity of online exams and ensure fair and valid assessments for all students" (Susnjak,2022).

The author offers to return to invigilated and oral exams and to use the advanced proctoring tools to combat the complications of ChatGPT tool. Though they are not a perfect solution. Further research is needed to fully understand the implications of these large language models and to develop strategies for addressing the potential for cheating using these tools.

Susnjak, T. (2022). ChatGPT: The End of Online Exam Integrity?arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.09292.

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