Tuesday, January 24, 2023



                                         Welcome to Nafisa's blog. 

Dear reader let me introduce myself! I am Nafisa Kholjigitova, who is the mother of three beautiful children and also a primary EAL teacher, as well as Global Campus Lead in The British School of Tashkent. Global Campus is Nord Anglia's exclusive online learning platform which connects all 81 Nord Anglia family schools around the world, where students connect and share their learning practice with each other and develop their problem-solving and creative thinking skills. My job is to ensure the engagement of BST learners in this platform and monitoring their progress. 

I have 6 years of abroad and local teaching experience in the international schools. Currently, I am studying at The Westminster University of Tashkent for PGCE programme. "Blended Learning" is one of the course modules, which I am really enjoying so far and the main reason for creating this blog. I am so excited to share my knowledge with you on using different digital technologies to support teaching and learning. 

Nowadays it is essential to engage with the various electronic technologies during the educational processes to make learning as much as productive and interactive for the learners. In this blog you will find many practical educational activities and valuable information which you might find useful to try in your practice. Please enjoy exploring my blog!


  1. Nafisa, so nice you have a blog now! You mentioned 6 years of teaching experience abroad, so what country, what group age?

    1. Thanks Kira. I used to teach in a private English language school Hopeland in Kazakhstan. I worked with different age groups, mainly with 8-10 years old children, as well as with some of the students who were getting ready for the University.

  2. Great start with lovely photo! Can't wait to read more of your posts!

    1. Thank you Yulduz. I really inspired from your blog )))


Short online course description for EAL learners

We as teachers have golden opportunity to help our students succeed in ways we have never had before. As educators it is important that we u...