Thursday, March 16, 2023

An Article Review

Literature Review on a Critical Understanding of Learning Management System

Technology has changed the way people throughout the world obtain education. Old type of formal learning which take place in a single physical location is losing relevance. The introduction of advanced communication technologies has enabled a new generation of information consumers to meet their knowledge demands without having to meet in person. LMS is one of these advanced systems, which currently is being used widely by educational institutions. This paper will review the article about “A Critical Understanding of Learning Management System” written by Solomon Arulraj David, which thoroughly discusses insights of it. 

The article provides an in-depth analysis of the Learning Management System (LMS) and its impact on education. The author presents a critical review of LMS, highlighting both its benefits and limitations. The article begins with an overview of LMS, explaining its features and functionalities. Author states that “LMS mainly used to manage, track and report the interaction between the learner and the content, as well as the learner and the instructor (David,2013)”. He also highlights how educators can assess the performance of the students through tracking their progress, recording test scores and checking the task completions in the system. 
The author then provides the detailed explanation about advantages of using LMS, such as improved access to educational resources, personalized learning, distance learning and enhanced communication between teachers and students. Following examples proves author’s points. Firstly, article states that LMS has reusable materials which can be easily adapted, as well as offering more options for curriculum creators to design materials and to choose the method of delivery. Secondly, it says that “Self-paced learning modules allow students to work at their own pace from anywhere they have access to computer and Internet by reducing travel time and costs (David,2013)”. It is fact that distance learning makes education accessible to students who may not be able to attend traditional classroom settings. Finally, it mentions about the discussion areas, such as chat rooms where learners have flexibility to join the discussions with classmates and instructor remotely. 

 I agree with above point of view, because the platforms which facilitate group work promote more engaged interaction amongst students and teachers by building social constructivism where various learning styles can be met through variety of activities. According to Issacs (2013) social networks have created the possibilities for extending the learning environment for collaborative learning by expanding the learning environment, increasing participation and enriching the learning experiences. Bullen & Thorpe (1998) in Stacey, (1999) states that open access to social networks allows students to learn in groups although they are geographically dispersed. Consequently, students can share information and learn collaboratively through emerging technologies such as blogs, wikis, podcasts and social networks spontaneously and in an informal manner. Collaborative learning in the social networks also reduces the feeling of isolation and gives a sense of belonging to peers resulting in strengthened relationships with others. 

On the other hand, the author also discusses the limitations of LMS, such as its potential to depersonalize education and reduce the role of the teacher to that of a mere facilitator. The article also highlights how LMS can lead to an overreliance on technology, which may have negative consequences for students' learning outcomes. David argues that educators must critically evaluate the use of LMS in education to ensure that it is not used as a substitute for face-to-face interactions between teachers and students. He also stresses the importance of ensuring that the use of LMS is not a one-size-fits-all solution, but rather is tailored to the unique needs and contexts of individual students.

Overall, "A critical understanding of learning management system" is a well-written and insightful article that provides a comprehensive analysis of LMS and its role in education. The author presents a balanced view of the benefits and limitations of LMS and provides practical suggestions for educators to ensure that its use is optimized for student learning. 

 Reference list: 
1.David, S. A. (2013). A critical understanding of learning management system. A Quarterly Refereed Journal of Dialogues on Education, 2(4), pp.4-12. 

2. Isaacs, L. A. (2013). Social constructivism and collaborative learning in social Networks: The case of an online masters programme in adult learning (Doctoral dissertation, University of the Western Cape).

3. Stacey, E. (1999). Collaborative Learning in an Online Environment. Canadian Journal of Distance Education, Volume 14(2), pp.14-33.

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Short online course description for EAL learners

We as teachers have golden opportunity to help our students succeed in ways we have never had before. As educators it is important that we u...